torpedoes away!
I have just made my first post-Clarion West submission. “The Bleak December” is off. Now, the next story. And after that, the one after. Et cetera.
Read Moreand this would be why I went to a private university*
Okay, because this May my life plans got moved up for this fall semester, and I had to pack up my life and stuff and move it all into a 10′ x 10′ room, and I went to Clarion West for six weeks (make it seven counting travel), I really didn’t register for any of…
Read MoreI am a writer.
The process of my reintegration with my life is slow-going. I’m currently lying in bed in a motel in Redding. Last night, I was in Portland. In the morning, I’ll be heading home. I was tempted to press on further south today, but I resisted. This three-day journey is medicinal. That said, I think I…
Read Moregraduation
I’m a graduate of Clarion West. Holy god, where have the six weeks gone? I have read 85 stories by 17 amazing writers, written five of my own, learned from six fantastic instructors, and thoroughly enjoyed it all. Even the scary bits. This has been a thing of wonder and awe for me, and I…
Read MoreI honestly don’t know how I did that
I turned in my story at about 10:20 pm on Monday, a bit later than the 9:00 o’clock I was shooting for. However, I did pretty much finish up the last line at about nine, so I’m okay with that. And yes, I realize that I’m being ridiculous since I have until 9:00 am on…
Read Moreand kicking like a Rockette
Okay, so that went so much better than I had imagined it could have gone. Yes, lots of things wrong with the story were pointed out to me. Many of these were not surprising, which is good because it says my instincts are solid. I’m just surprised–and heartened–that people found so much that worked in…
Read Moreinsert title here
Turned in my second story last night, and it’s being read today for critique tomorrow. This time, I feel much less anxiety. I mean, this time I know it’s crap, and I know the issues that are wrong with it. But it’s very different from what I submitted last week, which I feel is like…
Read Morethe state of exhaustion
I have come down with the ick. So have at least a third of us, if the sniffles, sneezes, coughs, and hacking that I hear in class and around the house are any indication. It’s a bit earlier than I expected, but I think we’re blaming it on an Australian super virus. (But not really.)…
Read Moreokay, that wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be
Story one was well-received, and I got some excellent critiques and suggestions for it from my classmates and Nancy Kress. Folks hit the things I knew needing fixing, and pointed out a lot of ways to work on them, and they pointed out all sorts of other things that need fixing, too, that I hadn’t…
Read Morepass the gin–no, the entire bottle
For those of you keeping track at home, I had three stories to critique last night once I had turned in mine. I did, in fact, critique them. Very early this morning. Last night, I was sidetracked by my classmates and a bottle of gin. I’m really enjoying that part of this experience. The part…
Read Morefirst story in
I finished my story by my target time (9:00 pm Monday). It’s not due until 9:00 am Tuesday. It will be critiqued sometime after 9:00 am Wednesday. I turned it in about half an hour ago. Approximately 6,500 words. Six-and-a-half-thousand very mannered words, full of commas and arch speech, telling a love story. It has…
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