and kicking like a Rockette

Okay, so that went so much better than I had imagined it could have gone. Yes, lots of things wrong with the story were pointed out to me. Many of these were not surprising, which is good because it says my instincts are solid. I’m just surprised–and heartened–that people found so much that worked in…

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insert title here

Turned in my second story last night, and it’s being read today for critique tomorrow. This time, I feel much less anxiety. I mean, this time I know it’s crap, and I know the issues that are wrong with it. But it’s very different from what I submitted last week, which I feel is like…

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the state of exhaustion

I have come down with the ick. So have at least a third of us, if the sniffles, sneezes, coughs, and hacking that I hear in class and around the house are any indication. It’s a bit earlier than I expected, but I think we’re blaming it on an Australian super virus. (But not really.)…

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pass the gin–no, the entire bottle

For those of you keeping track at home, I had three stories to critique last night once I had turned in mine. I did, in fact, critique them. Very early this morning. Last night, I was sidetracked by my classmates and a bottle of gin. I’m really enjoying that part of this experience. The part…

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first story in

I finished my story by my target time (9:00 pm Monday). It’s not due until 9:00 am Tuesday. It will be critiqued sometime after 9:00 am Wednesday. I turned it in about half an hour ago. Approximately 6,500 words. Six-and-a-half-thousand very mannered words, full of commas and arch speech, telling a love story. It has…

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first week

A quick post to give proof of life. I’m alive. The first week of Clarion West has been awesome in that I’ve learned and relearned so much of the fundamentals. Am I applying it yet in the story that I’m writing for next week? Well… it’s a first draft, right? My classmates are all amazing…

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Where do you get your ideas?

That question has always seemed silly to me. For me, that’s because the answer is another question: “from where don’t you get your ideas?” I mean, I don’t know about other people, but lack of ideas has never been an issue. At this point, I’ve probably had enough story ideas for more stories than it’s…

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cue the insanity…

Six weeks of writing, reading, critiquing, discussing, writing, drinking, partying, more critiquing, not sleeping, even more writing, and who knows what else. By which I mean: I’ll be going to Clarion West this summer. Thank you, everyone. Your support, whether it was words of encouragement, actual critiques and feedback on my submission story (and/or my…

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submission away

I’ve just submitted my application for Clarion West. I feel good about it. I’m happy with the story, with my background statement, and right now, just happy in general. Wish me luck, darlings.

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